Some mods that I want to propose

Before saying what are the mods I just want to say this: Mods are a great thing and that’s what powers an entire game. If we have a suggestion and the devs might never implement that, we could request or even work with somebody to make a mod! And I already have 2 ideas.

Real names Mod

Basically it’s a mod, using real names for companies and real images.

Example: Ninvento -> Nintendo.
Vena -> Sega etc.

I already have a prototype for the NES:

Reviewing games

Ever wondered what were those games in the charts,when you released your #1 game? What’s called the #2 game or number #7? What kind of score did they have, topic, genre, what design or tech, for what platform were they released? That’s where this mod comes in. I know, I know what you are thinking. “Oh but there are so many games, do you have the time to write them all?” Yes Wikipedia, we could.

Ok imagine that we have all the names of all the games up to date. Now let’s review a game by Nintendo called Legend of Zelda for nes. We have 3 sliders to choose:

Detailness - Would describe every little thing in the game.
Favourable - You would describe the review benefiting the developers happily if the game is above 7, Ok if it’s from 5-6 and negatively from 1-4.
Honesty - You would use your honesty to review the game.

Now if you write a review that has high honesty your fans think that you respect other companies that deliver games to them, therefore respecting you and you will gain some fans (if that makes sense).

If you write a review that has high Favourability (and the company’s game has a good rating) that means that the developers will like you and they will buy your games and they will try to convince the company that published their games to diminish the cost for you to make a game (if that makes sense).
Simplified sentence I like good guy’s games, they will like your games, they convince distribution company to like you, good guy company likes you, I spend less to make a game on the big company’s console.

If you write a review that has high Detailness, you will likely to gain access to research the topic that the game you reviewed was using.

Now remember, having low sliders doesn’t give disadvantages, they just raise the possibility for something to happen. If you have 3 sliders at max, that means, one of the three events will happen.

Reviewing a game costs 15RP Btw to make that realistically. But hey, it has its benefits.

Minimal score for a company to publish your game

So if you make a game for the PS2 (for example) they will only publish if the game has at least 7 of score.
This makes total sense because that’s how usually console industry works. First you have to get the license, make a game, if it’s good enough, they will distribute the game.
But this doesn’t happen in the PC industry.

Early access for the console

If you release at least 3 games (all of them with at least 7.5 of score) in a company console, they will grant a license (forever) for the next console and you can make a game 5 months before the release and it will start selling after the console is released.

Make time 7 times slower

Honestly I think the time passes by too fast in the game. You make a game for console A, console B appears, you make game for console B, console A disappears.
I really would like to time passing by 7 times slower. (days instead of weeks)

If you make a 10 score game on a non-PC platform, your fans would demand to port it to PC.

If that happens, you will have 2 options:
Refuse and explain to fans that it’s worth buying the [insert console name here] and also the good games it has.
Make the port.

If you choose refuse, you will a lose a few fans but the [company’s console] will give you a free license to develop one game.
If you do make a port, you will gain lots of fans and sales but the [company’s console] will likely give you a heavy lawsuit, (choose: cancel the PC sales or pay a heavy fine) since the game was only allowed to be distributed in the [company’s console].
If you choose PC sales cancel nothing would happen since the fans will understand you, if you pay the fine, you would still gain the sales and a lots of fans.

So if you see potential in this we could make a group with an artist and a coder.

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Actually, that’s not how it works…

However, under ‘fair use’ terms in many countries, community-created content is usually deemed acceptable. But that won’t necessarily stop the companies involved sending a C&D to Greenheart Games if they felt so inclined.

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Fine. BTW made big changes

That would be a great mod, glampkoo. I have been hoping for something like that too.

What mod the 1st or the 2nd?

I was mainly thinking about the “real names” mod, but the other is something I’d probably use too.

So anybody likes this, suggestions?

Edited the picture a bit.

both sound very good

Added more ideas.

Added another idea: Fans demanding to port the game to PC.

I laughed so much at this. This is too funny. You didn’t play a lot of NES games didn’t you. Because the NES games I played were crap. On top of my head, I can think of TMNT, deadly towers, tag team pro wrestling, muscle, total recall, simon’s quest, bible adventure… and loads more of crap.

Sorry to bust your bubbles but most nintendo developers, publishers and companies didn’t have any Q&A team so if the game was bad…it was. Most of NES games were coming out with a very short deadline so thats why they were so crappy.

I would totally see this in today’s consoles or publishers and companies but certainly not in the 90’s and so.

I thought it was like that, but ok, I will change this.


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I think people will consider some of these mods whenever they are allowed to make mods. Now it’s just waiting for GHG. :wink: