[REL] UltimateContent 0.2.0

Ah alright then :smiley:

So when that feature is going to be releasedā€¦I am going to inplent it :stuck_out_tongue:

I hold you to that promise :wink: But I just wanted to point it out ^^

Haha thats a deal :wink:

I have found the option, so here is 0.0.7 !



New Researches:
-Retro Graphics
-CD-ROM Support
-Better CD-Rom Support
-Best CD-ROM Support
-USB 4.0
-USB 5.0
-Lesser Lagg
-No Lagg
-Lesser Crashes
-No Crashes
-Character Customization
-Upload screens to Facebook
-Upload screens to Twitter
-Upload videos to Youtube
-Basic Animal AI
-Smart Animal AI
-Super Animal AI
-4D Graphics
-5D Graphics
-6D Graphics
-AI Modding Support
-World Modding Support
-Large Monitor Support
-Small Monitor Support
-Plasma Monitor Support

New Topics:
-Cold War
-Winter Olympics

Is everything fixed in this version??

Yes, if I am right all the rp and money researches are updated ! It just took me 15 minutes to edit 67 things :stuck_out_tongue:

:slight_smile: Yea, you have that sometimes. Now you can imagine how long it took me to add all the options for the custom computers (by hand!!). We didnā€™t had those fancy UMEā€™s in my time :wink:

Haha indeed, but things like that are still needed to do by hand ATMā€¦i don t think such an option would be available in the next 2/3 months :frowning:

Well not that precise, but it would make me able to make a nice and easy configurable ā€˜objectā€™.

Hey @alphabit , thatā€™s actually a cool idea for the EMU: a custom layout generator. Where you enter a layout of a piece of code, and select the amount of times you want it. Then it generates the code and all you have left to do is add the custom values :smiley:

Yes that would be awesomeā€¦since you can add Consolesā€¦so with that custom lay out you can make your own Phone for example

One of the features that will come with one of the next versions will be the possibility to clone/duplicate existing items (i.e. MySuperTopic -> copy -> MySuperTopic2).

Another thing that will come in UME will be the so called ā€œadvanced modeā€. This mode will allow, in contrast to the current (default/beginner) mode, much more freedom, hence the possibility to write custom code and to use some coding templates (at a later stage).

Can u please elaborate a bit?

btw. @Aswin_Vos Nice to see that you changed the mod name :wink:

Well, for example my custom computers. For each component I have this code block:

p.VindowsVista = {
		id: "Vindows Vista",
		name: "Vindows Vista".localize(),
		engineCost: 0.5E4,
		v: 1,
		techLevel : 1,
		canResearch: function (company) {
			return !company.flags.customHardwareResearched;
		consolePart : true,
		category: "Operating System",
		categoryDisplayName: "Vindows".localize(),
		group: "Operating System"

So why not make an option where you can type the basic layout. In my case it would be:

customMod.layoutObject1 = {
		id: "Object 1",
		name: "Object 1".localize(),
		engineCost: 0,
		v: 1,
		techLevel : 1,
		canResearch: function (company) {
			return ;
		consolePart : true,
		category: "Default",
		categoryDisplayName: "Default".localize(),
		group: "Default"

That way, I already have everything nice and ordered. The only thing left for the creator to do is enter all the variables.

If @alphabit kan include thisā€¦then i am not sleeping the day it would come out XD

Thanks, @DzjengisKhan.

Sorry guys, but I donā€™t get this point! UME is doing already this. You canā€™t set a custom code layout, but inside UME, the code generator renders the code to match exactly the options chosen. As soon as you can copy & paste existing items, this should do exactly the same.

Another thing you didnā€™t consider, is that UME has a criteria designer, which allows creating ā€œcanResearchā€ criterias by simply selecting the desired condition which is then converted to the respective code then.

It is correct that UME has currently some limitations, but hey, weā€™re at version 0.2.x atm :wink:

For the future it is planned to allow custom code integration that will allow you to expand conditions and add additional functionality to your expansion.

The code formatting will also be optimized during the next versions, so that it will also look much nicer than now.

Atm UME is being developed with the first mode (beginner/default), after all the basic features are done, I will start to provide the ā€œadvanced/expertā€ mode, which will give you much more freedom.

We should, in any case, talk again the next days about these ideas :wink: Letā€™s see where we could put in place this feature in UME.

Sry @Aswin_Vos for ā€œspammingā€ your mod thread with off-topic!

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Haha I don t mind, i can use this for in my mod :slight_smile: :wink: ā€¦in the future

All those engine parts are really uneeded such as:

USB support, No game reads what version your USB is, and no game will depend on it. A USB is just a miniature HDD.
Same with HDMI, VGA, Monitor, CD-ROM, ~GB Videocard, and soundcard support.

A good HDMI port is very usefull in a game, like a higher version would give better reaction times for your mouse, keyboard etcā€¦ It would not depend on it, but is is usefull :wink:

HDMI, is also usefull if you want to connect your computer to your TV so you can play it on there, same story with VGA

Monitor is usefull, a good monitor is letting the game have better graphics, so if you can adjust the coloring and the brightness you have a better look for you game :wink:

A faster, reading CD-ROM drive is usefull, shorter loading times (the CD-ROM player does need a shorter time to read the disc to play it :wink:

Not every game works with every videocard, like GDT didnt work well on my 1GB videocard, but now it does on my 2GBā€¦So if you want to play a game that need likeā€¦ 4gb videocard (unrealistic, i know :wink: ) and you only have 2gb then the game has that option to make it work on your pc :wink:

Same story with the Soundcard, gives nicer sounds in your game :wink:

Ok but no game depends upon whether you have a cetain monitor, or HDMI,VGA connection. Oh and GDT doesnā€™t use your video card.

Nope it doesn t depand indeed, but it are nice extra features :wink: