More Options for GameDev!

**Edit:Okay i edited this 9 times now in like 30-60mins so i will add new stuff to this thread every time i think of something new so check this often.
When i started this thread i had like 7 ideas.

Hello Everybody,

Im Exidrial and this is my first post here,
First off - I haven’t bought the game yet but i tested it for 2 Days at a friends computer and I must say I LOVE it and i definately will buy the Game in the next 1-3 Days.

Alright,now back to the topic.
I’ll write down my thought’s of what I think would be nice to see in the game and i would appreciate if you would tell me your opinion.
I’ll just list them and explain them.

1:Creation of own tablets,computer parts and so on.
You can create your own console,but after some while you cant improve it any more and the sales arent that high anymore.So why don’t we add a function to build own tablets,smartphones and so on like other companies in the Game do?
Or maybe create our own Computer?Like Alienware and so on…but not that expensive xD

2:Game Expansions.
OK I dont realy have a MMO YET and i heard you can create expansions for it so why dont you create expansions for your Offline Games too?
If you can do that:Sorry,didnt know that…the wiki page didnt say you can create them.

3:Console History.
I would like to see a menu,like the Game History but for the Own Console.You could see stuff like the market share of your consoles and the opponents.

4:Rename Engines.
Who doesn’t know that…You created your own Engine…but hey damnit!You forgot to rename it…
I imagine my games look like this…
“Powered by Game Engine #5 … Serpntine Studios Presents … A Serpentine Studios production …”

A Remake of a older game with the new Engine.
FF:7 proved that remakes are a good idea.

6:Grid Management.
I created a steam like platform called grid…its useless…i get like 200k per month from it…thats not even enough to pay my employees…
I dont know what you could do but somehow manage it.
Release udates for it,promote it.
Promotion->More Players use the platform->Boosts Games sells by a small percentage.
Or create Sales to better sell bad selling games.

7:Grid investment in small developers.
Invest in small developers to gain profit in the long run.

8:New Office.
A new office to hire up to 8 Employees.
What for?A Specialist for every slider.

9:Monthly costs.
Add small monthly costs for electricity and so on.

10:Office upgrades.
You can build solar panels…those could reduce monthly costs.

11:Open day.
Yeah,you call it “Open Day” in English?Geez that sounds hilarious xD
Let people visit your office to gain some fans.

12:More random events.
Stuff like charity things and so on to get more fans.

13:More time for developing.
Add a extra slider to assign how much time should be spent on the development stage.
If “Graphics” has like 70% because it has one feature too much,you simply increase the time spent on the development stage to get those extra 30%.
Many Games in real life take couple of years to develop.

14:Sliders percentage
A Percentage on how much time is spent on each slider.
Its good to better adjust the sliders if you would see the percentage of the sliders on the bottom.

At the end of every year or every couple of years you can get awards for like “Best Game of the Year” or “Most Sold Game of the Year” and stuff.
They dont have to do anything but they can motivate the player.

16:MMO Management.
A new office expansion for your MMO.
To hire Forum Staff and GMs.
What stats they have needs to be discussed.
The goal of this is,to add a new value to mmos the happiness.
Different things influence MMO happiness.
Almost no expansions/patches reduce it more expansions/patches higher it.
GMs also influence Maintenance time.High maintenance time makes fans sad,low maintenance time makes them happy.
Or you can hire MMO Developers so youve got your 9 Game Developers and 9 MMO developers.
Happiness influences how many people play the game.
You could also choose wether to make a Free to play MMO,a Pay to Play mmo or a Buy to play MMO and you could add item shops (see below) … well you would have to add item shops in free to play games.
Also you can adjust a slider like R&D Lab and Hardware lab up to 40M for maintenance.
This would replace the incredibly high maintenance cost and also would influence if the game can be hacked (hackers reduce happiness) and influences the players happiness.

17:MMO Item Shop.
Option to implement one of Three Item Shops.
Fair - Low extra income - High MMO Fan Happiness
Normal - Med extra income - Med happiness
Pay2Win - High extra income - Low happiness

18:MMO Free Expansion or pay to play expansions.
Choose wether you have to pay for expansions or not.
Paying for expansions makes fans sad and gives you extra income.
You might pre purchase them too.

19:Option to train multiple employees with one click.
An Extra menu when you click on the Ground named "Training"
There you can choose your training method and choose which Employees should be trained.
Makes it easier to train them so you dont have to make thos extra 20 clicks…xD
Oh same for vacation too o:

20:More research options.
Minimaps,and so on for your games.

21:Total win/loss
A window that shows you the total win/loss of this month.
And the total money spent on stuff like games and so on.

22:R&D Lab MMO Advertising.
Advertise for some money your MMO.
If one thing annoys me,then its the high maintenance cost of MMOs.
Either i have to take them off market after 1-2 years or i have to create expansions for it 24/7 …

23:New Stat that determines how many bugs an employee produces.
The higher the value,the less bugs the employee produces.

24(20.08.2013):New consoles
There are a few consoles is really miss…like the Gameboy Advance Q_Q This thing was part of my childhood and i remember many of us had one (well in germany,dont know about the rest of the world xD).
Maybe create a Gamegirl! o: Okay THAT sounds pervert…i get why you didnt create one xD

You can choose wether to create a expensive or less expensive game.
More expensive - Less sales,more money
Less expensive - More sales,less money
Or something like this.

26(20.08.2013):Set amount of developing time.
Removes the cap of bonus features.
for example.
Game phase 1 without any features takes 3 weeks
Game phase 1 with every feature takes 10 weeks.
For example so you can create games that take maybe one or two years to produce but the quality is higher…

27(20.08.2013):lvls raise the cap of features.
You can add more features to Graphics lvl 10 than to lvl 5.

28(20.08.2013):Implement levels in engines and consoles.
To make use of “Graphics V7 lvl 12” you have to implemen it in your console/engine otherwise it will use like “Graphics V7 lvl 10” which are in your current engine.
To use Graphics V7 lvl 10 your console also should be able to handle this,this can be done by creating Console mod chips/new parts.Those parts will sell indefinately too but dont create much income they also arent as expensive as your console.

I dont want to push the developers and i dont demand to see that stuff ingame but it would be nice if they would be added.

And a guestion:What does lvling up Engine,Graphics,Sound and so on do?

The Problem with MMOs:
You loose players too fast.
Game Maintenance should be limited at some points and you shouldnt get money per bought game.
One of my MMOs was bought 124.452M times…hows that possible?
The income is based on sales not on the playerbase.
I get several million $ per week…Greenheart would be rich if they had made such a online game^^
However,income of MMOs should be based on Playerbase.
If my game has 100.000 Players and they pay 10$ per month (around 2.50$ per week <–that isnt the exact value)
I would earn 1.000.000$ per month with a Good and long running game (around 250.000$ per week <–this isnt the exact value)
this wouldnt be that overpowered compared to 5M per week on a bad game.
Every week you get like 100-1000 players,depending on how much was advertised.Sometimes you gain 0-100.
MMOs dont get 5M players in 3 Weeks.
Thats why i posted my concept up there.
This wouldnt make MMOs so op.
And if you would add stuff like Beta Testing it would be much better.
Like Closed Beta -> The more money you spend,the more keys will be sent to people,means more players but they wont pay in Closed Beta.
Lets Say you pay 1M for 10.000 Closed Beta testers.Those 10.000 people will definately play the game once its released.
This will help reducing bugs and increases the hype.
Open Beta Testing will cost 250.000 for 10.000 players but reduces hype 'cause people already can play the game.Those 10.000 players wont pay but will play the game once its released.
Those 10.000 open and closed beta players will pay for the game once its released.
(where 10.000 players per testing are maximum,You can do a open beta after the closed beta but you cant do a closed beta after the open beta.MMOs will produce more bugs than normal games,so betas are important else it would take too long to eleminate all the bugs)
The Rating: A Rating of 1 adds 0-1000 players at the launch of the game.
1.25 adds 125-1250 players and so on.
A 10 Rated Game + 2 Betas would start with 29.000 - 30.000 players.
After that,gaining 0-5000 players per week for example.
MMOs should be expensive and only generate much money in the long run.(with long run i mean 10-20 years).
As it is right now you earn much money in the short run.Create a MMO,create some expansions,take it offline after 50 weeks and youve got 1.600M

Thanks for reading this post,

-Greetings from Germany


I like the Grid Management and the MMO Ideas.
The Ideas for MMO’s are great :smile:
greetings from germany

Actually solar panels are already in the game. It actually lessens your monthly costs.
There IS monthly costs anyways. You’'ll hardly notice it when your on the fourth office. (other than the salary which is 8k)
Remember that MMOs sell indefinitely. So it doesn’t matter.
Your other ideas are great! Keep up the good work.
BTW, grid actually boost up your sales on your console and kicks he market share of the PC by .6%.

Ok i didnt notice that there are monthly costs and that the solar panels lower them,sorry for that.

Yes MMOs sell indefinitely but you dont get like 7M users per week.Tycoon games should be a bit realistic and that…isn’t realistic.
And other Games irl are up for several years and dont get that much more players per month but the maintenance costs arent higher than the income.

When I look at my MMO the income is instable and the maintenance cost rise every week by the same amount.
Why is that so?When i lose players shouldnt the maintenance cost be less as well?
No,because the income of MMOs is based on the game sold per month,not what players pay per month for the game.
I explained that at the bottom of my post (no offense).
If you didnt understand that tell me,I will think of a better explanation then or if i got you wrong tell me please.

Before i had Grid my sales were like 1M per week after i got grid i made another game,it had the same rating (8.5) and it solt like 1M times too…yes it really busts up the games i produce a lot…by maybe like 100k or 200k units.

GRID gives me like 200k-400k per month,while my monthly costs are like 600k.
(without R&D Lab and Hardware Lab which are 2.6M and 2.9M)
Yes i noticed that Grid boosted up the pc marketshare,But i created my first console long after i had grid so i cant comment on the consoles market shar (even if my console is No.1 atm with like 16%)

To Greenheart:Please dont limit yourself to those 30 years.
People want to play the game after those 30 years too so give them stuff to do after 30 years.
If you really want to create a highscore game,then let the game generate the hihscore after 60 years.If the player is 20 then after 60 years he ends his career so hes 80 and not 50.

-Greetings from Germany

1 Like

Good ideas. I would like an option where you stop the game at current gen consoles.and again, great ideas!