How to add new things to the Game Creation menu?

So, I know this has been asked before but I can honestly not find it, I’ve tried manually searching for it and using the forums search bar but I just can’t find it…
Basically, what I want to do is make a mod that adds a description bar to the first screen (where you choose game engine and platform and stuff) that the player can type in. I have planned it but I just need to create it, which is easier said than done in my eyes XD
If you can help, please do :smile:

basicially you just want to add a new item to existing window?

Yes, sort of. I want it to be another text bar, like the one that adds the name, then I want it to appear in the Game History, if possible

Ask @DzjengisKhan and @SirEverard, they made the search bar.

No offense, but you should not attempt this. It is seriously hard, and you will have to resize the existing divs. I’m guessing you dont know a lot about div's either so…

Div’s can’t be good.
And modyfyingy the existing ones.

Try adding new GUI elements to the game creation screen with this:

var keepme = UI.showGameDefinition; UI.showGameDefinition = function (company, options) { keepme(company, options); // Add new content here }

That’s how I added a second pick topic button to the game.

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Divs are the basic element in HTML, it what let’s you add items, :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thanks @DzjengisKhan, your a legend! :slight_smile:

No problem :slight_smile: Hope it helped you

Thats not what I meant.