Game breaks after hitting a Quadrillion "Error: QuotaExceededError: DOM Exception 22"

tried reloading at least 3 times, gives me this message all the time.

looks like a bug that needs to be fixed.

I’m not sure … but I would say you reached the maximum size for a save file …

That clearly need to be checked. On which platform are you playing ?

I am playing on the Windows. The save file is only 5.03 MB.
Also I have seen people play much further than me. The guys on the streams are in year 97 etc and I’m only in year 58. I guess it has to do with too much money because it got messed up right when I exceeded 999 trillion (quadrillion).

we will investigate this.

It’s not the money as I have like 4 times as much money as you and play fine.