[BETA] SaveBackup [1.0.3]

It doesn’t look like anything’s wrong with that file. Does any error appear when you click the “restore all” button? If so, could you please post another screenshot?

If not, it could be a backup file issue after all, and if you don’t mind you can send it to me and I’ll try to fix it for you.


Same error than the first screenshot but in a window
And then if i press Esc, same error and i can’t have access to the menu and to launch a game.
But it’s good, I restart a new game, thanks

(Sorry for my bad english I’m French)

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Okay, you can still send the backup file to me in a PM if you want to, and I’ll either fix your saves or the mod, depending on what is broken. Sorry about indirectly corrupting your game… :frowning:


It’s not your fault :slight_smile:
Thanks to that I made a new game much better :slight_smile:


Does the mod work with 1.5?

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I will fix this mod for the newer versions of the game, + put it on the workshop if no-one minds. This was a great mod which I might as well publish when I’ve fixed it for personal use.

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I’m sorry but WHERE is the download button D:

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Nevermind, the BBCode in the post isn’t displaying right. Found it.

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It did not completely helped me. However, I was also not able to Recover Pogo Game Account Password , I visited the site hyperlinked to the text and found it helpful.