Who can teach me modding?

Ok, i will continue the training in tomorrow :smile:

Firstly, those URL’s are completely identical. Second, why does it matter? DNS isn’t case sensitive.

That’s true, programming takes some time to learn

Can you read?



Also, you should go to www.codecademy.com or learn the mod api

I have the feeling i already read this post 5 seconds ago.

what post?

Just a florbing Deja Vú

I’m sorry, I forgot how hostile this community is.

The community isn’t hostile, @WaveJones is on her period.

@Lukas_Schuurman reference

I never said that, and @WaveJones said to me he was a boy :wink:

I had to

Why do you always think I’m not a guy? Is it because of my avatar?

cuz the comic you read is for cyka


also it’s сука.

@Charlie, please clean here.

i think we are got so much comments here, thanks for replies ! :smile:
also, i will start the practice after a few days :wink:

I agree, @Today and @WaveJones are doing their @Wave-Today thingy. Or their @Today-Jones thingy.

what are you talking about
I’m not doing anything.
@WaveJones please if I wanted to write in Cyrillic I would be speaking Serbian