Website Design Tycoon

actually i think the idea sucks porn with no pictures?

@DzjengisKhan, @Darkly, @alphabit, @SirEverard, @kristof1104, @snowyterrorgami I think that @Rex0099


@Haxor (a bit) + Patrick & Daniel Klugg.

And many more.

Aswin having a game with a title of porn category within it would up the age restriction. I do believer that it would be a 16+ or 18+ game because of that and you want to get the game out to as many as possibleā€¦

If you want to code, please send a PM :slight_smile:

If you want to code please send a PM !

But there are no actual picturesā€¦just things like: add gay porn effects: ???

But I think porn will come as a DLC, so people can buy the basic game 3+ :wink:

The 18+ pack

Indeed !

But its not a buy since its a free gameā€¦so just a free download xd

yeah but a warning would have to obviously be given to advice what is included

Indeedā€¦but if its not in the normal gameā€¦but as a dlcā€¦then the base game would be rated 3+ā€¦right?

I had some contact with @PatrickKlug because there game is called GDT and mine WDTā€¦this isn t a problemā€¦so we can use wdt !


Ghehe yes Pegi ratings >.< they don t make sense at all


In europe we have Pegi for the age ratings

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oh yeah
i was always wondering what are these ratings from some pegi site

haha :slight_smile:

Youā€™re in the dev team have a artist 2D?
(sorry for bad english)

We are Always looking to extend our team :wink:

I could go on trial the artist 2D, but Iā€™m not good: P