Market Manager Tycoon - In Development

I know it


@Gamingthrou yes, i may use an open source website i know for a tiny bit of the graphics but it think @travman1998 is going to help if he wants

ok tip: put it on greenlight when your ready to develop

@Gamingthrou yea, i will. I think i might start a kickstarter when i get to a stage with not developed textures but working. Then with the money i would use for software or someone to do graphics.

@Rex0099 I think doing a kickstarter is a great idea! :slight_smile:

First level should be a in the street
Second level should be a small store in a mall
Third level should be a BIG shop in the mall, I mean like it takes alot of space in the mall, like a floor of the mall specified for that store
Forth level should be a big market, or something like bestbuy



Development will start early 2014
I am aiming for the game to be finished late 2014
i am going to start an kickstarter or indegogo campaign (probably kickstarter because of indegogo’s Fees)

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Good luck with your game! Me and the other people from Plethora Studios, (Killertoad, and the other guy making a game whose name I cannot remember at the time.) are developing one too! We’re already planning out what everything will look like, concept art, and kickstarter.

Good luck!

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If i am right you are working with Liam, Cody and me :wink:

Aswin, I’ll check the messages but I don’t recall seeing you in helping us.

I would like to help you if you guys want, I want to learn proper programming as well (I know some C# but not really javascript). Just tell me if you want me to help with some things ^^

I’d actually love to have your help.

Will invite you to the conversation regarding everything.

Wrong game. :wink:

Sure, go ahead and add me ^^

Are you talking about OS Tycoon by me, Liam (@Resinex112), and Cody (@Killertoad) are making, or Market Manager tycoon by Rex?

I wouldnt be able to help with code ect but id be happy to help you think of ideas on a skype call ect please message me some on this if you are interested

sure, we’re in a brainstorming/coding phase

kinda a mix between the both

I am Talking about OS tycoon ;), and I also work with Manager :wink:
So we are working also together :stuck_out_tongue:

I can help with anything but coding and images! Maybe the text/storyline is something for me? If you want it, of course… :stuck_out_tongue: