I know it
@Gamingthrou yes, i may use an open source website i know for a tiny bit of the graphics but it think @travman1998 is going to help if he wants
ok tip: put it on greenlight when your ready to develop
@Gamingthrou yea, i will. I think i might start a kickstarter when i get to a stage with not developed textures but working. Then with the money i would use for software or someone to do graphics.
First level should be a in the street
Second level should be a small store in a mall
Third level should be a BIG shop in the mall, I mean like it takes alot of space in the mall, like a floor of the mall specified for that store
Forth level should be a big market, or something like bestbuy
Development will start early 2014
I am aiming for the game to be finished late 2014
i am going to start an kickstarter or indegogo campaign (probably kickstarter because of indegogo’s Fees)
Good luck with your game! Me and the other people from Plethora Studios, (Killertoad, and the other guy making a game whose name I cannot remember at the time.) are developing one too! We’re already planning out what everything will look like, concept art, and kickstarter.
Good luck!
If i am right you are working with Liam, Cody and me
Aswin, I’ll check the messages but I don’t recall seeing you in helping us.
I would like to help you if you guys want, I want to learn proper programming as well (I know some C# but not really javascript). Just tell me if you want me to help with some things ^^
I’d actually love to have your help.
Will invite you to the conversation regarding everything.
Wrong game.
Sure, go ahead and add me ^^
Are you talking about OS Tycoon by me, Liam (@Resinex112), and Cody (@Killertoad) are making, or Market Manager tycoon by Rex?
I wouldnt be able to help with code ect but id be happy to help you think of ideas on a skype call ect please message me some on this if you are interested
sure, we’re in a brainstorming/coding phase
kinda a mix between the both
I am Talking about OS tycoon ;), and I also work with Manager
So we are working also together
I can help with anything but coding and images! Maybe the text/storyline is something for me? If you want it, of course…