[REL] Super Consoles Mod []

Oh! I have an another idea:
add something like Galaxy Gear.

I think you mean “Elver” Console. Its fixed in new update.

Ive implemented that already, in new update. It`s not ready yet.

Oh, I dont have TPS topic. Thanks.

That “telled” thing was in CFon.

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What about PlaySystem Vita?

PPV is on my ideas list.

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Uhh… Work on new update slowed down, because I dont have my laptop for about 2 days.

Okay, got it back, working on new platforms.

Again got it back, and released new update. Working on 0.7.8 now.

Cool. I had big inactivity, and I see many things changed there. Not only there, in all mods.

Thanks, but do You have some ideas? Im running out.

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Make the Magnavox Odyssey!

I had that idea,to add the first video gameh system, but it was in sale in 1972. The GDT starts in 1980, thats also why Ive removed the Matari 2600.
But, thanks for idea anyway!

Oh, alright. I’ll look for some other video game consoles for your mod! :smiley:

Thanks :smile:

But, not the Gameboy Advanced or Steam Box. Thats already on my ideas list.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnavox_Odyssey_2 It was discontinued in 1984. :stuck_out_tongue: This is the list I am finding some of these from. Hope this helps! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_video_game_consoles
There were a few! Also, I have to edit this because I am a new user. :C

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I didint even known that there is Odyssey 2.


This should be renamed. It is no longer a “Super Consoles” (cheaty) mod. It is now a mod that adds quite a few consoles and new topics among other things, and the name should reflect that.

It would be nice to have a mod that adds 1-2 “Super Consoles” that start off unlocked for all 3 “Game Lengths” (I play 45 year game), and remain forever or only go away when replaced by an upgraded version of it. Something light.

Personally, I won’t use a mod that adds topics.

Nice idea but the whole depth and scope of this mod is no longer defined by “Super Consoles”, it is more of a full expansion mod.

On the very beginning I wanted to add consoles, events and 2 topics which I need in GDT. And I also have my own OP Console, which I dont even use.
But, If I want to rename that, I need new name. (lol?) I like SuperConsoles, as a name.

And, I think you mean 42 years.

There is even PV-1000, which was developed by Casio… it makes calculators now.

Version 0.8 is finally done.