Native version 1.3.5 rolling out

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Is there anyway to get an update-force update on loading the game?

we have activated the update notifications but, depending on when you last started the app, the don’t show immediately. as for a complete auto-updating solution: no, there isn’t one.

Game still crashes for me upon loading my saved game. Tried installing once again and restarting as well but does not help.

can you confirm this is with the latest version? if yes, then please send us the savegame per email, if you haven’t already. EDIT: @Nino_Protic just found your savegame. we’ll test.

Just downloaded and installed the latest update,the game doesnt load my saved game it still crashes , where do I find the save game? I will send it asap

I’ve played for a couple of days and today it crashed after “Click to continue”-screen, I downloaded the new version 1.3.5 installed it and it stilled crashed, then i tried to remove the game and install it again, still crashed.

Running it on MAC.


I understand that there are still headaches with the packaging of the Linux version but could you upload the updated version as a tar.gz at least? So that we Linux people can find some new bugs too :wink: .

My download link still points to a file named “gamedevtycoon-1.3.1.deb”. Are you sure you updated all links? :wink:

The 1.3.5 version for Linux has not yet been released as far as I know.

Do you need any help testing Linux version? I can also help with rpm packaging (installing from rpm ver.1.3.1 trying to do nasty things on root fs).

What about fixing that it doesn’t remember “Toogle fullscreen”? Or is’t just me it starts up in fullscreen all the time?

I have the same problem as @Rhymoid and support were no help with a crash I experienced when they insisted the links had changed to 1.3.3. I think they just assumed I was on Windows. I am now stuck as I have just moved out of the garage so the game crashes every time I start it.

WHere can I get the new linux binaries? I am using 1.3.1…

@PatrickKlug Thank you very much for tackling this bug. I know you’ve got a long list of things the player base has repoted as far as bugs go and features requested so seeing progress will hopefully show the masses you guys are working hard to improve the game.

Ease up, they’re 2 guys trying to patch this game and address the overwhelming amount of feedback it’s generated. We all like the game and want it to be even better and succeed.

Music is still garbled in 1.3.5

What about the version in the windows store? Is that updated too, because i keep getting crashes every so often which bug out the sound when i restart it.

no, the issues listed here, don’t happen on the Windows Store. are you using the version on ARM?