Method To Backup Saves

As I do with all my games I plan to backup my GDT saves, but I have been unsuccessful in locating them. I have put a lot of time in to the game already and would like to make sure my save is backed up. I am on Windows 7 thanks to the early release program and am loving the game so far.

It’s different for the Windows 7 version. To make a backup you should copy the Local Storage folder in

C:\Users\{user}\AppData\Local\Game Dev Tycoon

Glad you are enjoying the game :smile:

He just wants to find the save games to edit them :smile:

Except that is pretty much impossible.

Thanks for the help, I have copied the files to my backup drive. I have not yet tested if this will be effective in the event of data loss, but I don’t see why it wouldn’t work. I am really enjoying the game and glad I got into the early release program. @Mihai I don’t see why anyone would want to in the first place, the fun of simulation games is the work to progress and dealing with the highs and lows, if there were no lows and you didn’t have to carefully plan your actions what would be the point?

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Not too much, there is even an editor out there…