KizzaGaming's Youtube Channel/Twitch Page [OFFLINE]

dun dun dun

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New video is out

KizzaGaming does the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Nice head shower :stuck_out_tongue:

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50 Subs Q&A announcement

Livestreaming some FEZ

Should I stream a different game??

Now streaming Watch_Doges

intro test 1

Intro test 2

did you donate to the ALS then??


oh awesome :smiley:

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Anyway, what do you think of the intro?

its pretty good

maybe at the end make it so it dont just end but fading in to the video and the music at the end will turn down as it transits to the video

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This was just a test remember. You guessed what I was gunna do

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Livestreaming Some Minecraft: PS4 Edition

your channel doesn’t exsist?

@jediwolfI don’t know what happened to it, it kinda just, disappeared