Fake mods in the workshop!

This is basically the single game that doesn’t use a “Modding” key :slight_smile: Thats why I thought of it.

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I remember one day I came to my favorite server on gmod THAT IS ENGLISH (404 games SLED build) and guess what?

Почему ты переводе это? давай вернуться к нормальной жизни! и если вы говорите О БОЖЕ ЭТО ENGLISH ФОРУМ! хорошо этот поток о русской теме! не так ли? (translate at your own risk)

@snowyterrorgami + Everyone else.
Guys please remember that each zone of the world has a very different culture to your own and also has different laws.


@Charlie Agreed, but these people reuploading translated versions should at least contact the author of the mod :stuck_out_tongue:


@Kizzagaming 1+ (I hate you Google)

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ofcourse. Its the swearing at a whole nation on a public forum that is never acceptable.


@Charlie are you saying that these other countries allow for people to take other users content and basically claim it as their own, what happened to CopyRight law!

There is no copyright on these mods.


@Stian God damn, you ninjad me :stuck_out_tongue:

well we should be able to protect our own mods for people that basically lift a child and walk off with it


Yeah, it takes time to make them.

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That is not my opinion at all, as these mods cant technically be licensed in a legally binding way. Maybe they can, but that is too much effort for a non-profit mod.

My idea is that when you have uploaded a mod on the forums once and gotten a “audience”, you get a mod upload key. You can use this for one mod. Then you have to ask for new ones.

I want people to use my code as a learning tool. I want people to remake my mods. But what I do not want, is people copying my mod and claiming its their work. Thus, I would say that as long as the limit is only set in the workshop, then I’m completely fine with it.

At the same time, there is no need to overreact. These people uplading fake mods will be slammed with the :hammer: at some point.


Yeah but it took me time to study and make my mod. I don’t want people to steal it and claim it’s theirs.

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What did I mention? Re-read please.

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IMO, the situation you see on mods being uploaded illegally is the same situation as the piracy that we see on the game itself.

Do we introduce license keys to battle piracy? No, because it would inconvenience our players more than it would inconvenience those who pirate.

Similar thing with modding. Requiring a modding key inconveniences everyone while those who want to copy unauthorized mods will still be able to do so.
It wouldn’t prevent this from happening, it would just delay it. Besides, it might not be technically possible to do this anyway.

I don’t think that the current situation is a big issue though. Players can quickly ‘flag’ or ‘report’ unauthorized mods and after a few days, a week at most, the mod should be banned from the Workshop. Will this give the mod enough time to become more popular than the original mod? I doubt so.


Many people can be tricked, since they don’t know much about the forums and modding, and since the fake mods they subscribed are deleted, it would break their games, and blame the creators of the mod.

Yeah that is true so I personally think @PatrickKlug the mods should have to go through a confirmation system

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What about a code quiz or something? Game checks your code and asks you a question. Make the corrrect decision and boom! You passed the test! But that prevents UME mods.


@FireChaos +1 (Google go away!)

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Maybe @alphabit can make a choice to create secret question for your mod in UME
and then when you want to upload something. you are asked to answer the secret question

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