[Closed] UltimateModEditor [Stable out / No Testing]

Hmm… I hope this isnt so off-topic, but why You wrote our specs? Its VERY Private :card_index:


it would be great if you make 32 bit realease i would be so happy when you do this :smile: :smiley:

I can, that’s why I’m asked :wink:

So, should I add you? Need your specs, please, then.

Decided to add an edit menu item:

Well that could come in handy :wink:

Yeah. More intuitive than having only the “double-click” :wink:

Preparing release now.

Woohoooo!! ((Sorry, off topic ;P))

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Hey, not to seem pushy or anything, but will it be open soon? I REALLY need to test this, like REALLY need to :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I was just starting writing text for the pms now :wink:

Oh, sorry :stuck_out_tongue:


PMs are out. Looking forward to hear from you :wink:

Apparently there is a problem with the licensing of one of the components. I’ll immediately check that and provide a fix. So if you’re experiencing this, please wait a couple of mins. Thank you.

Thats true.

Could i test?
Windows 7 Home Premium
Intel Pentium B950 @ 2.1 GHz
750 GB HDD

I want to be a tester


OS: Vista (64bit)
CPU: Pentium Dual-Core 2.5 GHz
HDD: 600GB

Why Do we need to say our specs?

Thank you. Added @KizzaGaming and @lPunisheRl to the testers list. I’m facing a problem with one of the components, as soon as this has been fixed a new test version will be uploaded.

Thank you for your patience :wink:

Specs helps to better understand problems or requirements for different systems.