Awesomenauts giveaway!

@Haxor which sucks.


Lol it will be Iā€™m working on linux, windows, iOS, Android, etc on unity its easier with unity xD

lol guess who started the giveaway trend

Maybe unlimited employees, they cant be specialized or trained or even interacted! Instead they will do this on there own but not daily. plus, they cost less monthly (10000 for example, a little? what if 100 employees? 10000 x 100= 1,000,000!)

Steam, then you
Free profits!


What? Are you making a mod maker in Unity?

Lol yeah if you think about it its completely possible and easier, but there will be some difficulties, and Iā€™ve already got some of it down.

Do not make a bloody mod maker in Unity!

Lol dude Iā€™m a really good programmer on mac, i know how to use Unity Very well, and well why not, i know how to take away all those annoying this in it to make it a program maker xD

I would rather like a mod where you can bribe reviewers and other companies to make your game seem better, but to make sure you donā€™t always end out on top you could add a % chance, so if i were to bribe them with more money it would have a higher chance of working, but if it doesnā€™t there are risks you can lose that money and fans.

@FireChaos Iā€™m going to enter the giveaway. :wink: (This discussion has turned into a modding threadā€¦ ?)

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Kinda ;p

Thanks @PatrickKlug, even if I have the game I canā€™t spell it right. Sometimes, I just call it Awesomenaughts.

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Im in dude

Soo when is the winner picked

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Forgott about this! One second.

That second finished Man

Alright, randoming the names.