Ideas that make Game dev tycoon awesome!

Game dev tycoon is boring after you have so much money. here’s some idea for the game:
1- 200-300 employees. you can seperate them to sections like graphic section, gameplay section and …
Any command you give to a section is for the whole section.
2- You can disign a logo for your company.
3- Better console disign. you can select buttons, paint, logo and… separately.
4- Multiplatform can select one or more base platform. (game you develop for base platforms are not ported.)
5- Adding a leaderboard.
sorry for bad english:D

  1. This is a great idea but the amount of loading time, etc. for it, would be quite difficult, its like trying to pull off a 200 Multiplayer server on a game that only can fit 32, it would be greatly hard. But if the limit got raised to 50 lets say, and then you can assign them to different groups, so you can work on like three games at once, have a team leader so you brief those team leaders on what to do, if done correctly, it could be amazing feature.

  2. This is a very nice idea, I’d say that this would only be the way you can customize, so no office customize, otherwise its going to in-depth on something thats not needed.

  3. Completely agree, the console stuff started off with very basic things there, so its time to go into more detail, it would work.

  • Great ideas!

thank [quote=“TheSniper, post:2, topic:4882, full:true”]

  1. This is a great idea but the amount of loading time, etc. for it, would be quite difficult, its like trying to pull off a 200 Multiplayer server on a game that only can fit 32, it would be greatly hard. But if the limit got raised to 50 lets say, and then you can assign them to different groups, so you can work on like three games at once, have a team leader so you brief those team leaders on what to do, if done correctly, it could be amazing feature.

  2. This is a very nice idea, I’d say that this would only be the way you can customize, so no office customize, otherwise its going to in-depth on something thats not needed.

  3. Completely agree, the console stuff started off with very basic things there, so its time to go into more detail, it would work.

  • Great ideas!
    Thanks for your feedback.
    First post updated
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